
Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Social engineering and small words

Social networks and the ‘small word’ network theory show an aggregation pattern based on emergency in many different systems.
In particular, we see how these systems tend to cluster around hubs creating strong and redundant links. This is true inside each ‘small word’ inside a network.
Weak links connect these clusters in more ‘random’ way adding to the system a great speed of navigation: two elements in such a network are linked by a SMALL number of hops (small if compared with the number of nodes and links).
I was wondering if this theory is applied in high performance computing discipline.

Friday, February 03, 2006

Baby steps

Splitting activities into baby steps it's a best practice I see applyed around not only in the 'agile world'.
Small, achiveble, measurable tasks can bring you to success and let you celebrate step by step.

Thursday, February 02, 2006


KPI = Key Performance Indicator
SLA = Service Level Agreement
BU = Business Unit
IMAC = Install Move And Change


Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Requests list

I was discussing with another sw dev leader about the need to track all requests.
My counterpart is stating that tracking requests that you will never do (because you'll never have time to do that, because they are at VERY LOW priority, ...) is useless and give a bad feedback to the user (you never do what I ask).
He says that for every request you should meet and try to understand better: if you and the client agree that the think 'is a request', then you add to your tracking system.
On the contrary I say that FIRST I track the request, then the client put all his requests in priority, IF and only IF 'that' request will be topmost and we are going to attack it, in that moment (planning game) we analyze it and see if and how it has to be done.
Please note that we are talking about a request rate > # developers per day.
P.S. I’ m following an agile methodology, he is not but … I’d like to have feedback regardless the moethodolody you use.